Services: Information Security
ISO 27001:2013 (ISO27001) is an International Standard that has been prepared to provide a model for establishing, implementing, operating, monitoring, reviewing, maintaining and improving an Information Security Management System (ISMS).
ISO 27001 provides an ISMS a framework for implementing these principles using the ‘Plan - Do - Check - Act cycle and management system processes. The implementation of ISO27001 is an ideal response to legal and contractual requirements and potential security threats such as:
- Misuse
- Hacking
- Penetration
- Theft
- Viral attack
Risk assessment – Organisations conduct an Information Security Risk Assessment.
Security design and implementation – Organisations incorporate security as an essential element of information systems and networks.
Security management – Organisations adopt a comprehensive approach to security management.
Awareness - Organisations are aware of the need for security of information systems and networks, plus what they can do to enhance security.
Responsibility - Organisations are aware of the need for security of information systems and networks, plus what they can do to enhance security.
Response – Organisations act in a timely and co-operative manner to prevent, detect and respond to security incidents.
How the organisation can benefit from ISO27001:2013:
- It can act as the extension of other Management Systems (ISO9001 & ISO14001) to include security.
- It provides an opportunity to identify and manage risks to key information and systems assets.
- Provides confidence and assurance to trading partners and clients; acts as a marketing tool.
- Customer satisfaction by giving confidence that their personal information is protected, and confidentiality upheld.
- Business continuity through management of risk, legal compliance and vigilance of future security issues and concerns.
- Legal compliance by understanding how statutory and regulatory requirements impact the organization and its customers.
- Improved risk management through a systematic framework for ensuring customer records, financial information and intellectual property are protected from loss, theft and damage.
- Proven business credentials through independent verification against recognised standards.
- Ability to win more business particularly where procurement specifications require.
- Allows an independent review and assurance to you on information security practices.
The information security management system services provided by QSP Solutions include:
- Implementation and operation of information security management system to ISO27001.
- Information security policy statement, information security objectives and procedures [a copy of the MS07 Information Security Policy is available by clicking here]
- Identifying compliance with information security and other regulations.
- Development of information security management programmes.
- Delivery to staff of employee ISO27001 and information security awareness training sessions [an ISO27001:2013 Awareness Briefing is available by clicking here]
- Undertake and manage information security internal audit programme, including audits, audit reports and support through to resolution of any issues arising.
- Liaison with the chosen certification body for certification to ISO27001:2013.
- Maintenance of the ISO27001 management system post certification.
An ISO27001:2013 Action Plan is available by clicking here [clicking here]
The clauses of ISO14001:2015 are:

- Scope
- Normative references
- Terms and definitions
- Context of the organization
- Leadership
- Planning
- Support
- Operation
- Performance evaluation
- Improvement
We spend over 1 million hours each year improving the performance of businesses around the world This experience allows us to see first-hand how ISO27001:2013:
- Helps you identify risks to your information and put in place measures to manage or reduce them
- Helps you put in place procedures to enable prompt detection of information security breaches
- Requires you to continually improve your Information Security Management System (ISMS)
- Improved reputation and stakeholder confidence
- Better visibility of risk amongst interested parties
- Builds trust and credibility in the market to help you win more business
- Requires you to identify all internal and external stakeholders relevant to your Management System ISMS
- Requires you to communicate the ISMS policy to and ensure that the workforce understands how they contribute to it
- Top management need to define ISMS roles and ensure individuals are competent
- Improved information security awareness amongst all relevant parties
- Reduces likelihood of staff-related information security breaches
- Shows commitment to information security at all levels of the business
- Gives you a framework which helps you to manage your legal and regulatory requirements
- Makes you review and communicate your regulatory requirements to other interested parties
- Reduces the likelihood of fines or prosecution
- Helps you comply with relevant legislation and helps make sure you keep up to date
- It makes you assess risks to information security so you can identify potential weaknesses and respond
- Requires you to put in place controls that are proportionate to the risks
- Requires you to continually evaluate risks to your information security and make sure the controls you put in place are appropriate
- Helps you protect your information so you can continue business as usual and minimize disruptions